The Johnson's in Mexico City

Paul & Nydia Johnson, direct the Spearhead program, Latin America Mission's short-term mission's program in Mexico City, fostering relations with local Mexican pastors, defining ministry options for young people, developing training courses and materials, providing member care for Spearhead volunteers and serving with a local Mexican church to reach others with the good news of Jesus Christ.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Return to San Jose Tenango, Oaxaca, Mexico
Paul returned to the Sierra Mazateca in Oaxaca to continue a seminar on Biblical Interpretation. Throughout the seminar, translation was provided from Spanish to Mazateco by different members of the church. Our Mexican church will return again in July with a medical and dental team, as there are no doctors or dentists that practice regularly in this town or many other towns within a 2 ½ hour radius in this mountainous region.

Please pray that the Lord would continue to be active among the Mazateco people and that God would provide as we seek to serve both their physical and spiritual needs.


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